Simple Ways to Conserve Energy at Home

SOURCE: Windermere

Whether you want to use less energy to reduce your carbon footprint or your monthly costs, there are plenty of easy ways to conserve the electricity and natural gas you’re using in your home. Energy conservation can be as simple as closing your curtains, changing a light bulb, turning down your thermostat, or closing the fireplace damper. Many of the most inexpensive solutions quickly pay for themselves in conservation, which you ultimately benefit from when you get your power bill.


Do Your Chores During “Off Peak” Hours

One of the biggest ways you can conserve energy is to take advantage of “off-peak” hours. This is a step that everyone can take because it simply involves shifting your use of major appliances, such as ovens, washing machines, dryers, and dishwashers, to a time when the demand on the power supply is lower.

Check with your power company to see if they have peak hour rate changes and adjust your schedule as you can to do your laundry and dishes during the off-peak times.

And when it’s time, upgrade your large appliances to Energy Star products for the most efficient and use of your power.


Small Changes in Your Laundry Cycle

Another way you can save energy is by washing your clothes in cold water and only running full loads. This reduces the need for your machine to heat the water and has the double benefit of keeping your clothes in good condition for longer, further reducing your textile waste when you don’t have to replace your clothes as often.

To speed up the clothes drying process, add a dry towel or two to your machine to soak up excess moisture. Another option is wool dryer balls which not only help clothes dry faster, but you can also add drops of your favorite essential oils in place of single-use dryer sheets, which cause dust build up in your dryer vents and add to the landfill.

It’s also important to keep to a maintenance schedule with your washer and dryer. Clear out the lint trap after every load and make sure the dryer hose and vent are clear. Clean the filter on your washer once a month to keep things running efficiently.


Heating and Cooling Tips

Heating and cooling systems account for almost half of home energy consumption but luckily there are several easy ways you can reduce your home’s demand.

Conventional measures, such as setting back your thermostat, are effective at lowering your energy use and costs. In fact, the Department of Energy estimates you can save 10 percent on your power bill if you turn your thermostat temperature down by 10 degrees for eight hours a day. Here are a few ways you can reduce energy consumption and save money:

  1. Experiment with the temperature that you’re most comfortable with to determine if you can keep your thermostat set to a lower temperature.

  2. Set a schedule on your thermostat to change the temperature of your home when you’re asleep or not home, in the winter set it lower, in the summer set it higher.

  3. Close your blinds and shades to keep the air from escaping through the windows, and to keep the sun from heating up the air inside your home.

  4. Keep the fireplace damper closed unless you have a fire burning. Leaving the damper open can cause drafts and heat loss throughout your house.

It’s also important to keep your HVAC system clean and maintained. Change your furnace filter frequently, clear out any dusty ducts, and keep the air in your home clean with air purifiers. Doing so will enable your heating system to run more efficiently and be more cost-effective.


Update Your Lighting

It’s estimated that lighting accounts for 15 percent of your overall home energy bill, so another way you can conserve, other than turning the lights off when you leave a room, is by using energy-saving light emitting diodes (LEDs).

LEDs use about 90% less energy and last up to 25x longer than incandescent lightbulbs. They’re available in a number of shapes, sizes, and tones, making it an easy replacement for almost any bulb in your home. When shopping for LEDs, look for those with the Energy Star label on them—this ensures that you’re purchasing a product that has been approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

SOURCE: Windermere

Erin Alexander

At Finally Social we are a marketing one stop shop for Real Estate agents, Mortgage Brokers and Coaches. We create/audit Social Media Platforms, SM Posting, design & maintain websites, email marketing, branding, & logos. Also marketing collateral: custom images, publications, brochures, flyers, postcards, & magazines.

Erin Alexander is the CEO and founder of, a social media and online marketing agency that helps business owners to grow their brand, generate quality leads and convert those leads into profits from social media marketing.

With experience in digital advertising experience, Erin's proven strategies, have helped business owners to effectively get in front of the right customers and clients to significantly grow their bottom line.

Finally Social offers website designs to small business owners as well as create or define their social media platform. We also offer individual services: Newsletters, Web Sites, Visual Tours, Postlets, Listing Flyers, YouTube, Follow Up Process, Update sales on Zillow and Trulia, and Referrals.

Being an active member in her community, Erin loves connecting other business owners, referral partners and non-profits in her local community.

Skills Used
Specialities: Social Media, Lead Generation, Social Media Marketing Management, Periscope, Blogging, Email Marketing, Branding, Website Design, SEO, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube, Twitter and Personal Development, Facebook Ads.

Whatever the service needed, we are here for you. Our GOAL is to provide you with a Fun, Fair and Comfortable experience. Social Media can be very stressful and time consuming. Let US take on that stress for you.

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